Swedenborg Foundation Releases New Book Title The Moment Is Now: Carl Bernhard Wadström’s Revolutionary Voice on Human Trafficking and the Abolition of the African Slave Trade

In this twenty-second installment in the Swedenborg Studies scholarly series, former Harvard history fellow Anders Hallengren leads a multidisciplinary effort with other leading international scholars to demonstrate the influence that abolitionist and author Carl Bernhard Wadström (1746–99) and the leading reformers of his time have had over the years on issues concerning the slave trade, oppression, and racism. The Moment Is Now includes the proceedings of The International Carl Bernhard Wadström Conference on Human Rights and the Abolition of Slavery, which was held in London on June 2–4, 2015.

West Chester, PA

August, 15, 2019

The Moment Is Now: Carl Bernhard Wadström’s Revolutionary Voice on Human Trafficking and the Abolition of the African Slave Trade represents the efforts made by a wide variety of international scholars to give voice to the spirit of Swedish–British humanitarian cooperation that abolitionist and author Carl Bernhard Wadström (1746–99) started in London in the 1780s and ’90s. Particularly focusing on Wadström’s often-overlooked life, work, and impact, this book demonstrates how the historical accounts and arguments related to the slavery issue can inform our modern understanding of human trafficking, racism, and systemic violence.

The Moment Is Now includes the proceedings of The International Carl Bernhard Wadström Conference on Human Rights and the Abolition of Slavery, which was held in London on June 2–4, 2015. Accessing source materials in different languages that were previously scattered throughout English, French, and Swedish archives, the scholars involved have been able to successfully investigate Wadström’s work and influence in such diverse areas as economics, science, abolitionism, travel writing, African colonial history, Swedenborgianism, philanthropy, utopianism, and human rights.

As its title makes clear, this book not only offers a glimpse into a significant moment in history but also serves as a call to action and a primer to be used in the here and now—a guide from which we can learn how to deal with those horrific forms of human oppression that Wadström and others like him sought to bring to an end.

The Moment Is Now is available as hardcover for $29.95 and e-book editions for $9.99. 

Editor Bio

Anders Hallengren (editor) is a former Harvard history fellow, a research affiliate of Stockholm University in the Department of Culture and Aesthetics, and a fellow of the Linnean Society of London. He served as president of the Swedenborg Society of London from 2011 to 2013, and he was vice president from 2013 to 2015. Anders has published books on Swedenborgian thought (Gallery of Mirrors, 1998; The Grand Theme, 2013), ethics and natural law (The Code of Concord, 1994, doctoral dissertation), international law and African affairs (Kuba i Afrika, 1984), and integration in a multicultural world of change (Nobel Laureates in Search of Identity and Integrity, 2004); and he is internationally renowned for his Nobel essay “Nelson Mandela and the Rainbow of Culture,” first published on September 11, 2001, by Nobelprize.org.


Alderman Sir Roger Gifford; Neil Kent; Mark Florman; Fredrik Thomasson, Ronny Ambjörnsson; Klas Rönnbäck; Jane Williams-Hogan; Jonathan Howard; Robert W. Rix; Inga Sanner; James F. Lawrence; Anders Hallengren; Anders Mortensen

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The Swedenborg Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization that explores faith and spirituality based on the prolific writings left behind by eighteenth-century spiritual explorer Emanuel Swedenborg. In addition to book publishing, the Foundation also produces a highly-rated weekly webcast called Swedenborg and Life on the offTheLeftEye YouTube channel and generates content for multiple social media communities and two blogs for spiritual seekers and academic scholars. 

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