OffTheLeftEye Inspires Student Thinkers

The weekly webcast Swedenborg and Life on our offTheLeftEye YouTube channel provided inspiration for students taking a brand-new course at Adelphi University in Garden City, New York.

The course was titled โ€œSpirituality through the Lens of Historical Narratives.” During the semester, students examined texts from a number of historical spiritual figures, including Ralph Waldo Emerson, Helen Keller, and Emanuel Swedenborg. โ€œStudents absolutely loved the materials that were free and on the Swedenborg Foundation website, and they were captivated by the offTheLeftEye series, as I have been as well,โ€ said course instructor Dr. Cristina Zaccarini. โ€œThey like Curtis Childs because he is such an enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and engaging speaker who can really relate to young adults.โ€

She adds that the course went so well that she plans to offer it again in the future, with even more Swedenborg content. โ€œI knew these videos would be helpful, but I had no idea that they would be life transforming. One of my students was a peer advisor to my students in the Spirituality class and he said that the material was, in his words, โ€˜extraordinaryโ€™ in its impact on them.โ€

As just one example, the following is an excerpt (used with permission) from one of the students in the class, a Muslim who wrote of her own struggles to reconcile the strict practices she was taught growing up with her personal beliefs:

Throughout this paper, I have compared the ideas I have learned about Swedenborg and what I have been taught about Islam.ย  I would like to emphasize that Islam is a wonderful religion, that advocates for peace and the problems I had were not with the religion, but with the way I was taught. There were plenty of values that I have taken from Islam that I probably would not have taken so seriously if I hadnโ€™t learned about them through the experiences with my family and the religion classes I used to attend. OffTheLeftEye has helped me understand Swedenborgโ€™s perspectives on the afterlife and this life. It has helped me put reason to some aspects that I had questions for, which were not explained through the learning I had in my childhood. Itโ€™s also increased my faith in God because the influences I had pushed me to believe that God was not on my side, and I had to do things that I didnโ€™t necessarily believe in to protect myself in the afterlife. As of right now, I canโ€™t say I have a specific answer regarding my beliefs, but I know that Swedenborg has influenced me and will continue to do so as I learn more about his thoughts and beliefs.