The Essential Swedenborg

By Sig Synnestvedt

The Essential Swedenborg serves as an introduction to the theology of Swedish scientist-turned-seer Emanuel Swedenborg (1688–1772). This edition provides new translations of selections from Swedenborg‘s works on some of his key theological topics, including use, charity, life after death, the destiny of humanity, and divine providence.

Paperback, 232 pages


The Essential Swedenborg summarizes in modern terms the basic features of the theology put forward by Emanuel Swedenborg (1688–1772), scientist, inventor, statesman, philosopher, and theologian.

The startling concepts of the “Northern Plato” caused the orthodox clergy of the time to consider him a heretic. For more than two hundred years, however, Swedenborg has inspired many of the world‘s greatest intellects and contributors to modern culture—Balzac, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Blake, Emerson, Henry James, Sr., Czeslaw Milosz, and Yates among them—with a visionary belief system for all people, regardless of background, that emphasizes good works, personal responsibility, and one‘s inner connection to divine love.

This edition provides new translations of selections from Swedenborg‘s works on some of his key theological topics, including use, charity, life after death, the destiny of humanity, and divine providence.

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Sig Synnestvedt






232 pages

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