Swedenborg and Life Host Curtis Childs Appears on Wisdom From North

Curtis-236x250On Thursday, September 15th, digital media producer and host of Swedenborg and Life Curtis Childs was featured on theย Wisdom From Northย show with host Jannecke Oinaes. In the two-part YouTube video interview series, Curtis and Jannecke discuss Emanuel Swedenborgโ€˜s extraordinary spiritual experiences in the afterlife as well his enlightening writings about life on other planets, negative thoughts, and dark spirits.

Curtis Childs on Wisdom From North Part 1 (46:38)

Curtis Childs on Wisdom From North Part 2 (40:27)

About Jannecke Oinaes and Wisdom From North

Jannecke received a bachelorโ€™s degree in metaphysics from the University of Metaphysical Sciences (UMS) and also studied at an ashram in India (Oneness University) where she practiced and explored meditation and mindfulness. Through Wisdom From North, Jannecke has talked with people about the small and big mysteries in life in an effort to inspire others to search for deeper meanings. She is proud to have featured Dr. Eben Alexander, Teal Swan, Anita Moorjani, and many other spiritual leaders on her show.

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