Why Support the Swedenborg Foundation

Whether you choose to support the Swedenborg Foundation with a tax-deductible donation, membership, or both—your investment will ensure Swedenborg’s spiritual writings and legacy will continue for generations to come.

Your Generosity Supports Our Programs

New Century Edition (NCE) Translations

Donations given to a specific program go to work right away and help to support new innovations and products as well as helping to make our day-to-day work possible. Choose from Online Programming, which supports offTheLeftEye, or New Century Edition, which supports new translations of Swedenborg’s theological works from the original Latin into English and also allows us to continue offering these translations for the lowest cost possible!

Off The Left Eye Youtube Channel

Our team of talented script writers, technical production experts, visual artists, and hosts produce a lively rotation of spiritually inspiring video content each week, including Swedenborg & Life, News from Heaven, and more—which are all completely free to watch and broadcast with no advertising. A team of compassionate community managers ensure our viewers are supported through ongoing dialogue on YouTube and our associated platforms.

Technology and Innovation

The Swedenborg Foundation’s Technology & Innovation Fund was created to support the integration of cutting-edge technology with the profound spiritual insights of Emanuel Swedenborg. The Technology and Innovation Fund will provide the funding to allow SF leadership staff to leverage advanced technologies to foster a deeper understanding and application of Swedenborg’s teachings. By creating innovative solutions for both enterprise and personal applications, we aim to support spiritual growth, intellectual exploration, and practical implementation of Swedenborgian principles in various aspects of life. This fund will promote transformative projects like the newly created SwedenborgAI ecosystem featuring pioneering tools that enhance learning and engagement with Swedenborg’s writings.”

Books by Modern Authors

We publish books and audio recordings by modern authors to help make Swedenborg’s lessons on divine love and wisdom accessible to all who seek spiritual guidance. Whether you’re looking for consolation about the afterlife following the death of a loved one or seeking modern philosophy on spiritual growth and development, we have an abundance of titles inspired by Swedenborg’s work to choose from.

Inspiring Web Content

We publish and share blogs written by diverse theological authors for readers seeking both practical resources for living a spiritual life and scholarly expertise. Our Spirituality in Practice blog authors are minsters and students who write on topics that touch our daily lives like prayer, death, the Bible, and more. Our Scholars on Swedenborg authors produce well-researched essays and articles that explore how religious pluralism has been used to solve some of the most pressing issues of the past and present.

You Help Us Meet our Mission

With your partnership and our strong foundation of service, we are making a difference! See our impressive reach in 2019:

40 million views of Off The Left Eye. Nearly 5 million hours of watch time and 160,000 YouTube subscribers.
456,000+ followers of our social media accounts.
15,000+ New Century Edition
e-books downloaded.

Make a Donation

With your generous contribution and our commitment to spreading Swedenborg’s messages of love and hope, we can enrich many more lives!

Became an Annual Member

With your annual membership, you’ll receive exclusive discounts and benefits and also support our mission at the same time.

Membership Benefits:

  • Annual members-only gift-book that includes lessons from Emanuel Swedenborg.
  • 20% discount on all purchases in our online bookstore.
  • Discount on NCE volumes through our subscription service.
  • Invitation to attend our annual meeting and appreciation reception.

Make a difference with an annual membership for just $25.00 a year!

Thoughts From People We’ve Helped

More Ways to Give

Planned Giving

Learn about planned giving here or contact our Director of Development Tim Bilger at (610)-430-3222 ext. 101 or email tbilger@swedenborg.com.

Donate by Mail

To make a donation by mail, please send a check to:
Swedenborg Foundation: 70 Buckwalter Road, Suite 900 PMB 405

Donate by Phone

To make a donation by phone using a credit card please call
(610)-430-3222 ext. 109

Visit Our Tribute Wall and Gratitude Wall to See What Drives So Many to Give

When you give $25 or more, include a tribute to a loved one or words of gratitude and they will be included on our walls. Come back to see your own or browse what others have shared!